Basic Website Audit

Is your website a hot mess but you have no idea how to make it shine?

Our basic website audit will give you key insights into how you can straighten it out and get back on the road to success!

We review performance, design, interface, content, layout, conversion, accessibility and basic onsite SEO, and provide you with a customized video explaining our findings as well as a checklist of tasks to make needed improvements to your website and improve not only your client’s user experience, but your bottom line.

If your site is built with WordPress, and you choose to have Cowgirl Media make the needed improvements and changes to your website, your audit fee will be credited back to your bill, so your website audit is on us!*

Unfortunately, due to the wide number of platforms available, we specialize in WordPress only and cannot offer a credit back for other platforms that we are not familiar with. But the good news is that you will have plenty of great information you can take to another designer or use to improve your website on your own!

If your website is not built with WordPress, but you think you might like to switch it over, just let me know any time during the process and we can talk about what that looks like.

Basic website audit

Includes the following:

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You work hard enough. Make sure your website is working hard too, with these simple tips!

Top 10 Ways ebook

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