Your Social Media Mindset – Video from Yellow Barn Media

Recently I connected with Jamie Clark of Yellow Barn Media, yup, you guessed it, on Facebook! Turns out we’re both horsey gals and she was hanging out at How To Market Your Horse Business, and I saw one of her posts. I don’t remember exactly what she said,  but whatever it was, it compelled me to go check out her website, where I saw her great welcome video and I knew I had to get in touch with her. I’ve done some website work for her, she’s done some social media work for me, and we are full of ideas on great things we can bring to all our clients, there just isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done. It’s spinning around in our heads faster than we can get it out and on paper. Or online, should I say. Regardless, she has great things to share with everyone, and her enthusiasm and energy is contagious, so I wanted to share some of that with all of you today. Watch this video and check out her YouTube channel for more just like them, in her 31 Day Facebook Challenge that she recently put together. I know you will get a lot of out it, as did I. And go give her a shout on Facebook too!

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