From Cowgirl Confessions & The Design Blog

Intro to Branding for the Ag Professional

Especially for us in the agricultural world, the word “branding” usually makes us think of gathering up cattle and branding all the new calves every spring. When you think about it, that’s definitely part of what “branding” for your business is…

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Intro to Marketing for the Ag Professional

While this may not be the most interesting of topics, it’s important to understand exactly what marketing is, and what marketing means for you, a professional in an agricultural or agricultural related business. I’ll try to make it as interesting as possible, but hey…

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Make Integrity a Part of Your Brand

in·teg·ri·ty noun: integrity the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It seems that integrity in business these days is taking a back seat. I see

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6 Things You Can Do to Ramp Up the Energy in Your Biz

As is the nature of business, sometimes things are slow. As entrepreneurs and business owners, it’s up to us to keep the work coming in. This can prove to be a stressful endeavor, to say the least.

I am a firm believer, that the more energy you create in your life, and your business, the more energy you will get back in return. If business is slow and you sit around wondering…

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Is Your Website STILL Not Protected From Hackers?

This seems to be a topic that I talk A LOT about lately. Business owners are busy, I get it. There is always so much to do, so many things that need your attention, that you just can’t be bothered worrying about your website. You haven’t taken the time to update and freshen up your content…

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