From Cowgirl Confessions & The Design Blog

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50 Creative Blog Post Ideas to Inspire You

Coming up with ideas for blog posts week after week can be challenging to say the least. I’ve been struggling with it for years myself, so I thought I’d share some of the ideas I’ve come up with so you might have an easier time of it.

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10 Things to Ponder Before Creating a New Website

If you’re thinking about building a website for your new business or organization, or if you’re finally getting around to redesigning your existing website, there is much to consider. Websites are not just pretty pictures and some words. Much goes into the planning, the behind-the-scenes coding, the layout and the overall hierarchy that can make…

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Establish Your Brand: Creating Your Visual Brand – Logo

The visual part of your branding will become the symbol that you will be recognized by, or your logo, along with the colors, textures, fonts and other graphics that represent your business visually. A logo is the centerpiece of your brand and careful thought and consideration need to go in to determining exactly what this…

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Define Your Product

Just as it’s important to define who your ideal client is, it’s also important to accurately and specifically define your product or service. Knowing the details of exactly what you’re selling will…

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Farmer and son in field

Define Your Ideal Client

The Branding Pen Series – Article 5 I remember the first time someone asked me who my ideal client was. My answer was “small businesses”. I could not have been

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